Below are books that have been published by MOF Publishing. Most are available through Amazon, both in Canada and in the USA. Amazon outlets in other parts of the world may have these available for either Kindle or Print on Demand. If you’re interested in bulk purchases of any of these publications, please contact MOF Publishing to get a discount rate. See our Contact page to be in touch.

Dancing on the Verge of Dawn is a collection of stories, essays, and poems by women who’ve experienced uncertainty, upheaval and loss in the inevitable challenges of life. Many of them have lived cross-culturally in vastly different cultural settings where they faced isolation and restriction long before COVID-19 came along. Using these memories they invited reflection and insight from their own journey. They asked themselves the questions—when was God’s presence near to me through a hard time? What did I gain from the challenge—or how did I learn to connect to God more deeply in that time? Although the book is about serious themes, there is joy and gratitude woven into these stories. Above all, it gives the reader a sense of companionship as we have all faced a challenge at some time. And hope—there is hope for each one of us to gain something of value from the hard season we are in just now.

Holiness is a dull word these days, conjuring up men and women with sullen, morose faces, full of rectitude and rigid duty. True holiness, however, is anything but dull. It is startling and arresting. It’s more than being decent, good, ethical and upright. It has that quality that the Bible calls “the beauty of holiness.”
David Roper shows us the extraordinary quality of life of which James speaks, which can only be described as “beautiful.” He takes the message of the book of James and shows us how to build a faith that works in our twenty-first century lives.

In The Unspoken Gospel, Ellen Janzen writes about creating friendships that cross the cultural conventions that we all take for granted—cross cultural friendship. The message is timely and relevant in the current trade winds of population transition. As more people from Eastern continents make their way to Western nations, we can either welcome and learn from them or ignore their culture and expect they will embrace “ours”—a culture that is naturally evolving as the world changes. We all gain from making the effort to understand other cultures and build community together.
Janzen makes use of personal stories with deep insights into the ways culture shapes our view of things. She offers advice on understanding the differences between cultures and moving beyond those differences into relationship. Her ideas on building friendships by connecting meaningfully with people from other backgrounds are unique and give the reader the sense that this can be a wonderful, though not necessarily easy, journey. She suggests that there is a natural progression that starts with the hospitality of welcoming others. This then grows by finding things in common, building a sense of belonging, and growing in accepting differences. When these foundations have been laid it gives companionship a chance to blossom into the trust of sharing one’s inner world in the safety of a committed friendship.
For people from a Christian faith background, there are many useful insights. Even if you don’t call yourself a Christian, Janzen’s insights and ideas will empower you in building a better, more compassionate and all-embracing community where other cultures are valued.

Mission: Possible combines more than 25 years of research and actual lived practice among Muslims throughout the Muslim world. Daniel Sinclair pulls together major threads which inform and guide practice in reaching Muslims starting with a foundational understanding of apostleship. Set forth in Mission: Possible are demonstrated practices with tangible results including the need to be aware of numbers, what to do about baptism, how working towards movements is vital and even stewarding your own time schedule as a practitioner. Rather than simply talking about these subjects, Sinclair shows how to do these things. With a strong biblical basis, and years of experience in oversight, coaching and direct ministry, Sinclair’s book is a must-read for anyone serious about reaching the unreached.

Green in the Desert is an inspirational book guaranteed to offer hope and encouragement. We don’t have to be ‘super-saints’ to thrive with Jesus during deep trials. Each chapter begins with a story of God’s miraculous provision when difficulties were faced, and then concludes with a scriptural principle that was learned or used at the time. The author desires to show God’s faithfulness in practical ways, rather than tell about him. Get hope to survive and faith to thrive in your hardships!

Victor Dirks, born in the newly founded Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was spirited away to Canada along with his younger brother, Neil, and parents, Alexander P. and Agnes Dirks, in the migration of Mennonites from the region of the modern Ukraine in 1924. Growing up in a large Mennonite family on the Canadian Prairies, he learned much about hardship, perseverance and faith. Following in the legacy of his father’s value for education, Victor went on to post-secondary, eventually completing a PhD in agronomy. But poetry was another, more personal love. Recording the rhythms of life’s joys and sorrows through pen and paper, Victor expressed ardent thoughts and ideas often left unspoken. Life rarely goes the way we expect, and Victor faced his own hardships. Born out of the crucible of human experience, Victor’s faith in God is woven into his poetic verse. In his later years, family and friends looked forward to his annual advent poem. This collection of Victor’s poetry, Fidelem Expectationum, makes his artistry accessible once again, and hopefully will allow others to reflect on the ideas he left behind, most notably his faith in God.